モリナセカ (2) / Molinaseca (2)
This time, it was the turn for the girls of our group to cook dinner. This day's dinner was spaghetti with meat sauce and Spanish wine. They had to boil spaghetthi for 16 members of the group. So it took a lot of time and we could only finish our dinner at almost ten o'clock. After this day, it became difficult to cook for the distance we went got longer and we had little time and power to cook .... Here comes the end of the day 2. (Photo: Spaghetti for dinner of this day, 3 Sep 2008.)
Esta día las chicas cocinaban la cena, espaguetis con salsa de carne. La comemos con vino español. Pero antes de comer, debemos esperar mucho porque ellas debían cocer espaguetis para dieciseis personas. Así que dejabamos de comer casi a las diez. Después de este día no cocinaban porque no hay tiempo y fuerza para hacerlo .... Y este es el fin del día dos. (Foto 1: La cena del día, espaguetis, 3 sep 2008.)
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