
再会 (2) / Met Again (2) / Encuentro de nuevo (2)






Four of us arrived at the albergue. There we met again "amigos," Augustin and David ond others, who we met before in Rabanal del Camino. I talked with them in easy Spanish and broken English and heard that Harry was walking slowly because he was in poor health. Though I was worried about him, I couldn't meet him again in the end. When the other members arrived at the albergue and we all had a shower and did the washing, Ms. Nakajima told us that the lecture of the day were going to start. (Photo: The albergue of Portomarín, 8 Sep 2008.)

Nosotros cuatro llegamos al albergue, donde nos encontrabamos a amigos, Augustin y David y otros a los que nos encontrabamos en Rabanal del Camino. Cuando hablabamos, me dijeron que Harry había quedado detrás de nos porque estaba mal de salud. Aunque le me preocupaba, no le pudé encontrarme en Santiago de Compostela al final. Cuando los otros miembros llagaron y todos acabaron de duchar y lavar las ropas, dijo Sra. Nakajima que empezaría la clase. (Foto: El albergue de Portomarín, 8 sep 2008.)

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