最初のアルベルゲ / First night in albergue / Primera noche en albergue
In the private albergue of Astorga, we've got beds for this night for 7 euro. We've also got credencials which is necessary to get "compostellana", kinda indulgence, in Santiago. At about 9, we had dinner at a restaurant near the albergue. Spanish wine was so good. Though I was a bit worried about walking the next day, I could sleep well, maybe thanks to alcohol. (Photo: Salad for the 1st plate of dinner, 1 Sep 2008.)
El albergue privado me costó siete euros. Y obtuve la credencial que es necesaria para haber la "compostellana". En torno a las 9, cenabamos en un restaurante con buen vino. Aunque me preocupa un poco andar el día siguiente, podía dormir bien, tal vez gracias a alcohol. (Foto: Ensalada mixta, primer plato de la cena, 1 sep 2008.)
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